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Saria: a YA Fantasy Adventure
novella series - in development


    A sphere of multicoloured light hangs in the sky, over a forest canopy, gently radiating coloured light. The colours reflect in the enormous eyes of an enormous bird, ascending into the skies on brown wings. Its back is large enough to hold a person, and a girl is holding on with feet and tail, arms spread wide. 

    She is ecstatic. Flying, in the sky! Freedom! Adventure! She is entirely, completely, here! Dreams are pouring out through the rush of emotion, covering up a smaller voice in the back of her head that says even though this is fun, maybe it will hurt her friends, left behind. She hasn’t realized it could hurt her.  

    They soar over the mountainous canopy of Tempra forest, huge and impossible and amazing, but not out of place in the world of Saria. The multicoloured light from the Portal blends in with the sky, not like a second sun, but something special like a gateway into dreams. Tails of sparking light trail around it like a galaxy up close. The Roc, its intentions in chaos, dives towards the portal, its gateway to another place that may make more sense. 

    Curious eyes on a screen far away, and jaded eyes through a magical looking glass, observe this moment. And eyes that don't remember who, what, or how many they are or were, take note, pay attention, feel glad to be drawn into the world of Saria, into a story, after an eternity of time. 



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